We are in Lecce, town of baroque arts,
well positioned between two seas: the Adriatic Sea and the
Jonic Sea.
Villa d'Arte is a typical master's house of Salentum, (the
region from Lecce to Santa Maria di Leuca) and has several rooms, terraces,
a beautiful fruit garden and large grounds, not too far from the centre of
Villa d'Arte is a meeting place for different activities and courses in artistic
field, or as departure point for visiting the artistic beauties of the town
and the natural ones of Salento e of its wonderful sea. Thanks to its furnished
rooms and its independent apartments, the house is a good support not only
for tourists, but also for the students attending the University.
Moreover, the large garden offers excellent parking for autos and campers,
in shaded areas, linked to the electric power and with access to toilettes.
The main part has several large rooms with old style vaults, while the more modern part has two apartments with bedroom, living, bathroom and kitchenette, fully independent, with view on the fruit garden.
In the traditional part several large rooms with old style vaults are available, each of them with diret access from the central corrdior and with view on the garden. In some rooms the old furniture has been replaced by a modern one, while in other rooms the previous style is being maintenined or recreated.
The new strucure is the result of important restructuring works of the villa, of its garden and of the services. All around the terrain here is an enclosure, with some entrance gates towards two paths with trees. The paving around the house ensure the accessibility also by people with limited mobility.
More information and pictures are in the Section Photos (link at the top).
For information about Villadarte and renting opportunities, please send an
email to:
or call the mobile phone: .39.320.1892348