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Villa d'Arte
How to get to Villa d'Arte

Villa d'Arte, Viale Giuseppe Grassi 2, 73100 Lecce
entrance from via Gemito (strada per Novoli)

source: http://www.google.it

To reach Lecce by airplane:
flights from Milan and Rome for the airport of Brindisi and Lecce.
From the airport, bus service to the Lecce Air Terminal.

To reach Lecce by train:
Trains from Milan, Turin, Rome and other important cities.

To reach Lecce by car:
Coming from the North side, the highway Milan-Bari or Naples-Bari and freeway Bari-Lecce. At the arrival in Lecce it's possible indifferently:
take the external ring road for Gallipoli and the first exit (Lecce-Novoli) following the indication for Lecce: Villadarte is the first villa of Lecce;
or take the internal bypass of Lecce: Villadarte is the first villa after the overpass on the railway;
Coming from the South side:
symmetrical route.

source: http://www.google.it

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